Vanadium Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise of Kachkanar passes test of conformance to Ministry of Emergency Management standards

Commission of the Central Administrative Board of Ministry of Emergency Management in Sverdlovsk Region has completed a complex testing of Kachkanar urban district, which is to be done every five years. The commission audited all the records of Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise of Kachkanar (member of Evraz Group), verifying their compliance with the Ministry of Emergency Management standards. Within the testing framework, training in terrorist act prevention was arranged as well; this was directed at determining the degree of preparedness of the local civil defense headquarters, rescue services and the company’s workshops personnel to eliminate the results of an accident, PR-department of Evraz Group reported.

‘The training was carried out according to the previously designed plan. All the participants of the elimination achieved their tasks keeping up with a harshly restricted timetable,’ indicated Vladimir Martynov, President of the corporate Emergency Management Commission, Deputy Director for Production of Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise of Kachkanar.

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