Central Bank of Russia registers 01 bond issue of SKB-Bank

The Central Bank of Russia registered the issue of certificated interest-bearing non-convertible bearer bonds (series 01) by SKB-Bank. The state registration number is 40100705В.

The day of the IPO is to be determined by the bank’s Board of Directors and announced according to the federal law on Securities Market as well as according to the laws adopted by the federal executive body responsible for monitoring the securities market.

The issue is worth 1bn RUR, with face value of one bond coming to 1,000 RUR; the life of the bonds is three years, with quarterly coupon payments and an annual offer; the bonds are available via public subscription. The annual coupon interest rate for the first coupon will be determined at Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange on the first day of the offer, the interest rates of the second, third, and fourth coupons will be made equal to that of the first coupon; the interest rates of the rest of the coupons will be determined by the issuer after the official registration of the report on the results of the offer.

The bond issue is organized and underwritten by UralSib Capital Ltd., reports the spokesperson for SKB-Bank.

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