MMK makes duplex steel rolled stock

Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works (MMK) can now manufacture some hot-dip-galvanised, highly durable rolled products made of duplex ferritic/martensitic NST500X steel that meets EN 10336-2007 standards and is .8-1.5mm thick and 1,000-1,250mm wide.

According to MMK PR Department, the steel’s mechanical properties fully meet the EN 10336-2007 requirements. In fact, this steel’s closest counterpart is the DP500 one that meets AVTOVAZ ТТМ 1.25.1255-2007 standards and is becoming increasingly popular as a car body material.

So far, MMK’s coating department has selected and prepared for shipment the accepted samples of hot-dip-galvanised rolled stock of BentelerAutomobiltechnik, Volkswagen AG, DiPOS, and AVTOVAZ varieties.

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