Ambassador invites Governor Misharin to Latvia

Governor of Sverdlovsk Region Alexander Misharin met Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia to the Russian Federation Edgars Skuja.

The two officials discussed the ways in which the two territories could cooperate. For one, they saw some good opportunities for machine-building development through joint small and medium ventures.

Governor Misharin asked the region’s Minister for Trade, Food, and Services Dmitriy Nozhenko to find the way of working with the Latvian suppliers directly, without any intermediaries. He also said that UMMC Holding was a great consolidator of ties existing between Latvia and the mid-Urals, as the holding already had a lot of positive experience working with its partners from the Baltic.

The Ambassador invited Alexander Misharin to come to Latvia. The official visit could take place at the same time as the summit of the EU and the CIS city mayors that will take place for the first time in Riga in July 2010. The Governor thanked the Latvian official for the invitation.

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