Governor supports White Metallurgy training program

UrBC, Yekaterinburg, April 22, 2011. Government of Sverdlovsk Region, Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant, and Pervouralsk Metallurgical College signed a cooperation agreement valid though 2015; under this agreement, the college will train highly professional workers for today’s advanced metallurgical companies.

This is the company’s pilot project on introducing new approaches to training highly skilled workers who would be useful for a wide range of economic fields.

The agreement was signed by Governor of Sverdlovsk Region Alexander Misharin, the shareholder of ChTPZ Group (of which Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant is a member) Andrei Komarov, and Director of Pervouralsk Metallurgical College Irina Teslina.

The agreement is targeted at creating stimulating conditions for the vocational education within the region, at infrastructure improvement, at creating the material resources for first-level vocational training, and at developing cadre potential as well as establishing an efficient highly skilled workers training system.

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