Ãëàâíàÿ > > Evrazruda representatives awards Evraz grants to educational institutions of Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakasia

Evrazruda representatives awards Evraz grants to educational institutions of Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakasia

28.06.2006. Ðàçìåñòèë: public
Evrazruda JSC awarded a number of corporate grants to some institutions of general education located in the settlements of Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakasia covered by the company’s branch network. Likewise, the grants were given to the students and teaching staff.

Thus, a grant of 0.1m RUR is awarded to the secondary school No. 50 located in the town of Abaza (Khakasia) for the realization of measures directed at creating the optimal conditions for improving the quality of education. Two teachers of this school were awarded grants of 20,000 RUR each. Six students were awarded grants of 5,000 RUR each.

Another grant of 0.1m RUR was divided between two schools of Vershina Tei settlement (Khakasia). Two teachers of these schools were awarded grants of 20,000 RUR each, a number of students of the schools won the prizes of 5,000 RUR each. An incidental allowance of 40,000 RUR was allotted to Beltirsky orphanage.

Still another grant of 0.1m RUR was received by the secondary school of Bolshaya Irba settlement (Krasnoyarsk Territory). A prize of 40,000 RUR was presented to Krasnoyarsk State Territorial Institution of Social Service ‘Kuraginsky Center for Social Rehabilitation of Youth’.

The awarded institutions are permitted to use Evraz grants either to finance extension work for their teaching staff or to improve the material and technical basis of educational process whenever the improvements are necessary to achieve higher quality education.

In 2006, Evraz grants were awarded to 15 educational institutions, 26 teachers and instructors, 54 students of Kemerovo Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakasia. The corresponding funds were allotted by Evraz-Holding Management Company in accordance with the decision of the company’s Social Board and as the company’s contribution to realization of National Education Project.

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