Главная > > EuroChem offers Zinc Plant of Chelyabinsk long-term sulfuric acid purchase contract

EuroChem offers Zinc Plant of Chelyabinsk long-term sulfuric acid purchase contract

30.08.2006. Разместил: public
Mineral-Chemical Company EuroChem JSC (Moscow) that deals in agricultural chemical fertilizers has sent Zinc Plant of Chelyabinsk JSC a long-term contract offer. EuroChem management is willing to buy a fixed annual amount of sulfuric acid at a fixed price for the next five years. The approximate annual amount is estimated at 100,000 tons, the spokesperson for PROMASS, the Organization of Employers of Chelyabinsk Region, said to UrBC representative.

‘We have indeed received such an offer, and we are now considering it,’ the press secretary of Zinc Plant of Chelyabinsk Mikhail Bendyak observed.

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