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GD of TGK-9 to be declared soon

15.09.2006. Разместил: public
The name of the General Director of TGK-9, the power generating company, will be announced in the very near future. The Board meeting held in absentia took place on September 12, 2006; the points on the agenda concerned early leave of current GD Valeriy Rodin and appointing former Deputy GD for Sales Andrey Makarov. The votes are currently being counted.

The Board of Directors also considered signing an agreement with Morgan Stanley and Co. International Limited Consortium and Troika Dialog Investment Company concerning rendering services in the field of floating an additional stock issue. The money thus obtained will be invested in generating facilities development in Sverdlovsk and perm Regions. The amount of floated stock should be great enough to secure TGK-9 at least a 25%+1 share in the authorized capital of the general company (given the merger with Regional Generating Company of Komi).

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