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Turnover of Uralmashzavod container terminal triples

08.02.2007. Разместил: public
A container terminal belonging to Territorial Company has been operating on the premises of Uralmashzavod (part of United Machine Building Works (aka OMZ (Obedinennye Mashinostroitelnye Zavody, formerly United Heavy Machinery)) since May 2005. Its turnover revenues barely covered all the expenses as recently as July 2006, yet this turnover had already tripled by January 2007. Last summer, the terminal only stocked 100 containers, but the number rose to over 550 in January 2007. Over 85% of the total area are being used now, reports the spokesperson for Uralmashzavod. This area comes to 18,000 square meters and is expected to grow in the future; more orders are expected as well.

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