Ãëàâíàÿ > > Sverdlovsk Region’s industrial growth in January 2007 is three times bigger than the Russian average, says Governor Eduard Rossel

Sverdlovsk Region’s industrial growth in January 2007 is three times bigger than the Russian average, says Governor Eduard Rossel

28.02.2007. Ðàçìåñòèë: public
Governor of Sverdlovsk Region Eduard Rossel held the traditional monthly press conference today; the conference was devoted to the region’s socio-economic development in January 2007.

The region’s industrial growth exceeded that of January 2006 by 10% and came to three times the Russian average. Agricultural growth amounted to 5.5% compared to a year earlier. The retail trade and catering companies’ turnovers went up 24% and 21%, respectively.

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