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LUKoil-Uralnefteprodukt, Gazpromneft-Tyumen, and AZS-N1 suspected of price collusion

29.07.2008. Разместил: public
Tyumen Region’s division of the Federal Antimonopoly Service took legal action against LUKoil-Uralnefteprodukt, Gazpromneft-Tyumen, and AZS-N1, accusing them of violating the existing legislation on the protection of competition.

The data available from the weekly monitoring of the wholesale and retail oil product prices indicate that the three companies have been using the same retail oil product prices for a long period of time. Tyumen Region’s division of the Federal Antimonopoly Service sees this as a violation of the antimonopoly legislation through illegal price collusion. Article 11 of the federal bill on the protection of competition actually makes any collusion that leads to setting and sustaining of prices illegitimate.

The suit is to be considered on August 28, 2008.

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