People still need to secure their savings, URSA Bank says

‘People still need to securely invest their savings somehow, so many of them head for reliable banks that offer a nice interest rate on deposits. As for the banks, each one has its own strategy, behavior, and pricing policies,’ URSA Bank’s Vice President Alexei Sannikov announced in the course of a round table discussion on the so-called Precious Depositor in Yekaterinburg. The agenda of the discussion largely dealt with one big question: will the banking community manage to retain its private customers’ trust?

‘When working with customers, depositors in particular, the banks act in much the same way without even having to agree on this,’ Sannikov said.

‘A merger like the one URSA Bank and MDM-Bank decided to go through with is a chance to reach our common goals, since all the banks aim to attract more customers to the financial field,’ he added.

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